Thursday, 24 January 2013

High Intensity Interval Training

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High Intensity Interval Training

Burn more fat, more calories and improve cardiovascular fitness levels with much less time!

Most of us know that continuous or steady-state cardiovascualr training helps to improve fitness, burn fat and burns calories right? What if I told you there was a more effective way to lose weight, burn fat, burn more calories and improve fitness levels.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a training method that requires you to use maximum or almost maximum heart rate, this training works your anaerobic energy system and your aerobic system.


  • More calories can be burnt doing HIIT rather than continous aerobic training. 100 metre sprints repeated can burn approximately 1,225 calories an hour! Compared to continous training which burns approximately 500-700 calories.
  • Performing maximum output during exercise requires longer rest periods than continuous training.
  • It's ideal if your very busy and you want a quick workout, a 10-20 minute HIIT is enough to benefit you, burn the same amount of calories in a 45- 60 minute continuous workout.
  • HIIT training limits muscle loss, whch can be more present in continuous aerobic training.
  • HIIT fuels fat as an energy source and increases the fat burning potential. 

It's also great to mix interval with high and low intensity intervals. The instrucotr should vary the rest and work ratios with you so you don't adapt so quickly to the training program.

HIIT isn't for everyone
  • It's not for beginners who have low fitness levels.
  • You should be able to exercise at least 20-30 minutes of 70% of your Max Heart Rate.
  • Gradually build up your fitness using HIIT or you will do too much!
  • Make sure you do a warm-up and cool down
Any questions?
Feel free to message on...
Facebook-Meso Fitness, Twitter- @MesoFitness, Email-

Friday, 18 January 2013

How to beat the colds and flu's through diet and exercise

Find us on... Facebook-Meso Fitness, Twitter- @MesoFitness, Email- mesofitness@gmail.comHow to beat the cold and flu

This is a guide if you get a cold or it becomes flu or you always get colds and want to prevent it happening again. Follow these steps to strengthen your immune system and beat the cold.

Eat a big breakfast and eat it early in the day

Research suggests that eating a big breakfast and having it early in the day will reduce your chances of catching a cold. E.G. Porridge oats with mixed berries and a glass of orange juice.

Exercise to boost white blood cell count

Many studies prove that exercise increases white blood cell count. Other research goes one step further and has found that if you exercise regularly your unlikely to catch a cold or if you do manage to catch a cold then it lasts for a shorter time than someone who doesn't do any exercise.

Add more protein

Protein is great for growth and repair of muscles, bones, and cells, therefore protein will build up an immune response strenghtening immune cells and hormones. Food high in protein are fish, chicken and tofu.

Good sleep
Research has shown that less sleep decreases your immune system. It's recommended to sleep at least 8 hours. Get snoozing!

Herbal tea
Herbal teas or any hot liquids like heated blackcurrant juice is great for thinning mocus and remove it from the body.

Food packed full of vitamins
Increase your vitamin intake by eating fruits and fruit juices. E.G. Cranberry juice, orange juice, strawberries etc.

Chubak, J. (2006). Moderate-Intensity Exercise Reduces the Incidence of colds amongst post menopausal women. The American Journal of Medicine.
Schmidl, M. (2000) Essentials of functional foods.
Turner RB. The common cold. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone;2009:chap 53.

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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Why hiring a Personal Trainer gets you better results than a gym membership

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Why hiring a Personal Trainer gets you better results than a gym membership
Pro's and Con's of Hiring a Personal Trainer

  • The training and nutrition is personal to you
  • You can train one-to-one or in small groups
  • You can pay by the hour or on a monthy basis, my PT service offers this and most others do
  • Results based! All personal trainers will be focused on achieving great results for clients
  • Tailored exercise and diet plans to meet your dietary and fitness needs

  • Regularly check your weight or inches using the scales or a tape measure
  • Gain technical aspects of resistance and weight training (e.g. don't lock out during the chest press) and also cardiovascualr training
  • A personal trainer can train you at your home, outdoors, or indoors it just depends o the client's needs
  • 95% of the great results comes from you and the other 5% comes from the trainer's tools to help you get the results!
  • Results take time and noticeable changes in your body should be in the first 6-8 weeks
  • Cost! Some trainers can cost what would seem quite a lot of money. Average PT session per hour is £30
  • Don't expect results if your not willing to work HARD

Pro's and Con's of Joining a Gym

  • Pay monthly by almost all gyms, some bodybuilding gyms however offer pay as you train.
  • Most gyms offer early opening times and late night closing times (long hours to train)
  • You have access to resistance and cardiovascular equipment
  • Social gathering, meet new friends, meet existing friends etc
  • Concessions for students, OAP's, benefits etc
  • Train at a time that suits you
  • You don't get step by step guidance from a gym to follow through your fitness goals
  • You left to your own devices and sometimes this can be pivotal to you reaching your goals or going to the gym for the sake of it and going nowhere with it!

Is this still you after a month's gym membership?
  • The gym staff don't evaluate your gym programme after 4-6 weeks and see where your at with your exercise for all gym members
  • Not enough knowledge passed on from gym staff to gym members about nutrition and exercise to help with eating habits, weight management, exercise plans and tips
  • There is nobody who can push you every training session
  • Less effective at burning fat than using a personal trainer
  • They don't show that they care about your fitness journey than a personal trainer would.
  • Don't offer any motivational techniques
  • Don't look at your previous diet and exercise in depth and monitor, evaluate and progress your fitness goals
  • No goal setting