Sunday 16 June 2013

The Hidden Truths about Stretching

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It's crucial that we stretch before any sort of exercise. Stretching prepares the targeted muscles for exercise and helps to prevent any injury. When we're in a group or in a class we all stretch, this is because others around us are stretching and the instructor/coach is advising you to stretch, so you just do it right? This isn't the case when you're on your lonesome in a gym environment, I have seen this with my own eyes, the gym junky forgets about stretching and I think it's a combinations of bad habits, laziness and a stigma that stretching is for girls!

  Many of us know that we should stretch, but choose not to. For ease we often skip the stretching and get into the weight or cardiovascular training. What if I told you that if you pre and post stretched after every workout you would ache less the following day or days, lift  substantially more weight, look visibly more toned, and be able to with stand more strenuous cardiovascular training.

The connective tissues or fascia that surround a muscle can be very tough, they can usually constrict expansion and growth of a muscle. For muscle growth or hypertrophy to occur the surrounding fascia needs to be stretched, this in theory allows the muscle fibres room to grow.

 Types of stretches:-
  • Static Stretching
  • Dynamic Stretching (Stretch is performed as you move)
  • Passive Stretching (Stretch is performed with assistance)
  • Active Stretching (Stretch is performed by actively contracting the muscle in opposition to the muscle you're stretching)
Top Tip

For muscle mass- Post stretch, stretch the target muscle after each set and hold it for 10 seconds, this will enable more potential for muscle fibres to grow!

For CV fitness- Pre and post stretch, try static stretches before and then passive stretches after your cardiovascular training.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

3 common mistakes when starting or maintaining an exercise program

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I increasingly get frustrated at some people who want to better their themselves thought exercise and nutrition and stick with old concepts that fault their progress. These are people who don't commit 100% and half heartedly want to reach their goals. This can easily be changed if they stick to the program and see guaranteed results at the end. They also consider taking action but don't go through with it. This can be a number of factors. One thing I'm conscious and I'm always improving is my support service I naturally want to help everyone who comes to my exercises classes or small group personal training and overall make everyone feel welcome. However I can't do the training for you, you need have an input in t

3 Common mistakes

  • "Your way is the best way and forget sound exercise and nutrition advice". What I mean is that most people who have a gym membership don't use the knowledge of fitness instructors or personal trainers. Some gym members can be quite stubborn when you try to convince them that technically the exercise could be improved, or suggest another way or targeting your biceps for example. The fitness instructors and more a personal trainer has knowledge and qualifications on nutrition and exercise but from my experience as a fitness instructor and a personal trainer looking at other fitness instructors people don't use them for general tips on exercise or nutrition never mind anything in depth.  This can relate to almost everyone at some point and I've done this myself and looked for advice eventually to reassure myself I was doing something right. 
  • Listen to peers- This isn't something I've came across in my exercise classes or personal training sessions but I know it's happened to other trainers. An individual has continued with bad eating and exercise habit for years that has been passed on by other family members. They opt to better themselves and chose to do so by they're own accord. However a  few weeks pass, and the individual's progress inflicts with family members and a negative atmosphere is formed. This results in the individual giving up on their own progress because of family. This isn't just family, it could be friends, work colleagues, anyone. Encourage people around you it's a positive change!
  • Set yourself unrealistic goals- I will say this now I can't guarantee you will lose a stone in a week, or 3 dress sizes in 2 days. Everyone's bodies has their own strengths and weaknesses, and some will lose inches quicker than others, so it can be difficult to set the same long term goal.  Everyone has their personal goals many are unrealistic in terms of the time frame and the nature of the goal. But that's how I help, I help plan more realistic goals and help you reach goals step by step.  

Do you need any reassurance about your own training or nutrition? Don't hesitate to contact me. Also please share any potential mistakes that could be preventing you from reaching goals, staying motivated or  improve your lifestyle?

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Monday 6 May 2013

What's the best time to exercise? Morning, Midday or Evening!

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A lot of people ask me "What is the best time to exercise?" Is it morning, midday or on an evening?

The human works within a body clock or a carcadian rhythm, this is a unique biological pattern over 24 hours in a day. The carcadian rhythm effects:
  • Body Temperature
  • Metabolism
  • Energy Levels
  • Hunger
  • Blood Pressure
Everyone has a different carcadian rhythm this can depend on your daily lifestyle e.g. Sleep, work schedule, exercise patterns, the time of day you have your meals etc.

Benefits of exercising on a morning

  • Early risers that exercise tend to stick to an exercise program more than late exercisers.
  • Early risers also claim it enhances their mood
  • Exercising in the morning can boost physical ad mental energy for the rest of the day

Benefits of exercising midday or lunchtime

  • Reaction time is better
  • Improved lung capacity
  • Exercise seems less hard work than the morning
  • You have a higher body temperature at this time, which lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increase in energy and strength- means you can work longer and harder
  • Exercising in the middle of the day increases blood flow to the brain, making you more alert and sharper in the afternoon
Benefits of exercising on an evening

  • It's the best biological efficiency for most people 
  • World records are made at this time of the day
  • Improved strength at this time
  • Evening exercise can regulate the portion of food consumed at dinner 
  • Good for stress relief as most of us have a work pattern 9am-5pm and it's busy.
  • Vigorous activity before bedtime can interfere with sleep
  • Recommended to sleep 1-3 hours before bed

Body temperatures progressively rise from waking up and then lower later in the day. Your carcadian rhythm dictates when your body temperature reaches it's peak. Exercise is most effective at this point.

  • M, Torii, H, Nakayama, T Sakaki. (1995) Thermoregulation of exercising men in the morning rise and evening fall phases of internal temperature.
  • C, Melby, C, Scholl, G, Edwards, and R, Bullough. (1993) Effect of acute resistance exercise on postexercise energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate.
  • H, S, Driver, G, G, Rogers, D Mitchell (1994) Prolonged endurance exercise and sleep disruption.

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Saturday 20 April 2013

Build your booty: 3 exercises that reshape your glutes!

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The gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus are two muscles that shape our "behinds" or "bottoms". These muscles should be trained in a full body/leg workout, and not frequently trained on it's own. Strong glutes are important for jumping, running, moving laterally and rotating.
 The glutes play a key role in spine alignment, and also keepng your knees and ankles aligned. The exercises I will show you are not the normal butt-building exercises your used to.
Aim to perform 20 repetitions on each exercise with 2 sets to ensure butt building results! 
Glute Kickbacks
Description- This exercise can be performed in a standing position or on all fours. Hyperextend (picture above) one leg whilst balancing the rest of the body. Rememeber to squeeze the glute and hamstring and hold that position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

Hip Abduction

Description- For this exercise you can use your bodyweight, a cable or a pilates/resistance band. Stand on one leg and hold onto something nearby. Laterally raise your leg (like the picture above) and hold the leg for a few seconds. Lower the leg and repeat with the opposing leg.

Sliding leg curl

Description- Lie with your back on a mat. Place your feet on a towel or an a4 piece of paper. Keep your hips bridged or lifted throughout and bend your knees, so your heels move towards your glutes. Extend your legs and return to the starting position.

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Saturday 6 April 2013

Revealed: Change the way you think about nutrition and exercise. Think positive!

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When I meet up with PT clients or even clients from exercise classes I discuss their nutrition and exercise from the previous week. It is evident if there is a lack of motivation and the exercise and healthy eating plan hasn't bee followed.
It's only came to my attention lately that I've noticed people's thought processes to overcome a bad eating habit or lack of exercise for example. This isn't so much my clients but almost everyone's thought processes at some point, either when they slip up or continue to eat something they really shouldn't and they compensate it by making a wrong judgement. Its how we deal with it and stay positive and work for it tomorrow!

  Here are some examples of the wrong mentally/thought process in relation to nutrition and exercise:

  •  " I've ate chocolate cake, so I'll eat nothing for my dinner tonight because that cake was alot of calories"
  • " I know water is good, but I drink alot of flavoured water, if I have flavoured water that's just the same right?"
  • "I haven't done any exercise all week but I'll do 4 hours in the gym and work as hard as I can"
  • " I've missed breakfast and lunch and but I'll make up for it and have the biggest dinner! "
Some of these examples you might be able relate to, change your thought process when your ever in any of these situations and ask yourself these questions:

Is this harming my body?
Do I really need this?
If I eat bad can I get back to my good ways tomorrow?
What is the reason for eating/drinking this?
If I don't exercise today when can I make time this week?

Maintaining a positive mindset is difficult, especially when you slip up or if you don't get the results you want in a certain time, and it can often knock your confidence. Maybe your goal was unrealistic or you didn't give 100% and more to reach that goal. What you don't want to do is dwell on your results, there is always something you can do different, or give something more than last time. Think positive, get back on the wagon and try harder next time and you will surprise yourself what you can achieve!

Thanks for reading!

Is there anything that stops you reaching your goals? What do you do when you slip up?

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Monday 11 March 2013

Do what you love and don't hold back!

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Do what you love and don't hold back!

Is there a job you would love to do or a dream you've always wanted to come true?

Well let me show you how I did it and my advice to help you reach them goals, dreams and aspirations.

At one point in my life, I had left my part time job and didn't work any notice before I found a new job. I was unemployed and desperate to show people I can do great things with my education through University. I kind of always wanted to work for myself and I liked the idea of being my own boss. If people know me from school, I always enjoyed taking part in sports and loved wellbeing and fitness from 12/13 years old.

  Over a year ago, I was on the bottom and with no money. It made me think I don't want to be in this position again. I thought why me? What have I done to deserve this? I eventually stopped feeling sorry for myself and started to change my life for the better. I believe you can make your own life by dedicated your energy, time and committment to get the goals you want and the rewards do pay off.  This kick started attributes that were already there and I followed my passion... Fitness! I had fitness courses that I had worked hard for prior to leaving my old job, but I didn't have the passion to go back into retail, I applied for different jobs not neccessarily fitness jobs, more of bar work, retial etc and I planned to use this as a foundation to build up my own work... Meso Fitness.

The following attributes that has helped to where I am today are:
  • Determination to succeed- I had a vision of where I wanted to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and took action, you do the same!
  • Self motivation- Preparing myself to get up early and look for work and doing the extra graft that "Joe Bloggs" wouldn't do. 
  • Thinking positive- If I get a rejection from a job opportunity, I learn not to take it to heart and move on swiftly, an employer will look for your attributes and qualities and you need to express that in an interview, CV, group tasks etc.
  • Proving doubters wrong- I have had my setbacks for jobs or opportuities in the past but you must not dwell on it. Peers around me have said to me why are you doing exercise classes for, it will never work? How will you make a living? I take negative opinions with a pinch of salt, some of it can be constructive criticism and I look to change things but if it's a someone attacking you and it's personal, it hurts! I've learnt to surround myself with positive people around me and don't take any negatives personally.

Advice for people looking for work

  • Apply for more jobs than you normally would. I used to apply for 10-20 jobs a day!
  • Set time aside to apply for jobs
  • Don't spend hours and hours a day, break it up and have plenty of little breaks. You don't want to be flustered!
  • Go out and approach employers, speak in person and show them your enthusiasm and passion to work!

Is there any tips you do to stay motivated or to find a job?

I hope this will inspire people about my personal experiences!

Carl Conifey- Owner of Meso Fitness

Find us on... Facebook-Meso Fitness, Twitter- @MesoFitness, Email-

Monday 4 March 2013

Why you should take fish oil/cod liver oil:The Facts

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Why you should take fish oil: The Facts

What is Fish Oil?

Fish oil is a fatty acid from the source, fish! This fatty acid is Omega-3. If you eat plenty of fish containing Omega-3 then you don't need to worry as much about topping up your intake with supplements.

However it's good to boost your omega-3 intake with supplements, however these will only support your daily intake. Don't replace foods with supplements, use supplements to support foods or food groups.

Studies have shown that fish oil can improve:

  • Blood Cholesterol- LDL's or Low-Density lipoproteins are known as "bad cholesterol" as these transport cholesterol to cells that need it and too much can clog up the artery walls! However there is "good cholesterol" or High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) transport cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver, which can either be broken down or passed through the body as waste. Fish oil can improve the levels of HDL's and LDL's.
  • Lower's the risk of cancer- Taking fish oil supplements alongside a good intake of fish and antioxidants from fruit and vegetables will helps eliminate the risk of cancer in later life.
  • Improves bone density- Fatty acids that come from fish and supplements help to maintain good calcium levels along with balanced healthy eating.

Don't replace fish oils with fish, the fish oil only supports your daily amount of fatty acids.

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