Monday, 11 March 2013

Do what you love and don't hold back!

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Do what you love and don't hold back!

Is there a job you would love to do or a dream you've always wanted to come true?

Well let me show you how I did it and my advice to help you reach them goals, dreams and aspirations.

At one point in my life, I had left my part time job and didn't work any notice before I found a new job. I was unemployed and desperate to show people I can do great things with my education through University. I kind of always wanted to work for myself and I liked the idea of being my own boss. If people know me from school, I always enjoyed taking part in sports and loved wellbeing and fitness from 12/13 years old.

  Over a year ago, I was on the bottom and with no money. It made me think I don't want to be in this position again. I thought why me? What have I done to deserve this? I eventually stopped feeling sorry for myself and started to change my life for the better. I believe you can make your own life by dedicated your energy, time and committment to get the goals you want and the rewards do pay off.  This kick started attributes that were already there and I followed my passion... Fitness! I had fitness courses that I had worked hard for prior to leaving my old job, but I didn't have the passion to go back into retail, I applied for different jobs not neccessarily fitness jobs, more of bar work, retial etc and I planned to use this as a foundation to build up my own work... Meso Fitness.

The following attributes that has helped to where I am today are:
  • Determination to succeed- I had a vision of where I wanted to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and took action, you do the same!
  • Self motivation- Preparing myself to get up early and look for work and doing the extra graft that "Joe Bloggs" wouldn't do. 
  • Thinking positive- If I get a rejection from a job opportunity, I learn not to take it to heart and move on swiftly, an employer will look for your attributes and qualities and you need to express that in an interview, CV, group tasks etc.
  • Proving doubters wrong- I have had my setbacks for jobs or opportuities in the past but you must not dwell on it. Peers around me have said to me why are you doing exercise classes for, it will never work? How will you make a living? I take negative opinions with a pinch of salt, some of it can be constructive criticism and I look to change things but if it's a someone attacking you and it's personal, it hurts! I've learnt to surround myself with positive people around me and don't take any negatives personally.

Advice for people looking for work

  • Apply for more jobs than you normally would. I used to apply for 10-20 jobs a day!
  • Set time aside to apply for jobs
  • Don't spend hours and hours a day, break it up and have plenty of little breaks. You don't want to be flustered!
  • Go out and approach employers, speak in person and show them your enthusiasm and passion to work!

Is there any tips you do to stay motivated or to find a job?

I hope this will inspire people about my personal experiences!

Carl Conifey- Owner of Meso Fitness

Find us on... Facebook-Meso Fitness, Twitter- @MesoFitness, Email-

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